39 - Sailboat - Segelboot  115 - Gordes - -  143 - Santons - -  198 - French Avenue - Französische Allee  1443 - Pottery - Keramik  1444 - Crammed - Vollgestopft  1446 - Strasbourg Cathedral Details II - -  1450 - Strasbourg Cathedral Details III - -  1451 - Strasbourg Cathedral - Straßburger Münster  1456 - Enlightened - Erleuchtet  1468 - Storks - Störche  1471 - Cathedral Vista - Münster Durchblick  2825 - Distant Mont-Saint-Michel - -  2830 - Mussel face - Muschelgesicht  2831 - Les Roches Sculptés Bay - -  2832 - Hazy - Diesig  2834 - Boat List - Schlagseite  2846 - Artichoke - Artischocke  2850 - Stranded - Gestrandet  2853 - Low tide - Ebbe  2854 - Roscoff - -  2857 - Combed - Gekämmt  2862 - Sentinel - Wache  2864 - Pier - Landungsbrücke  2884 - Left to it's own resources - Sich selbst überlassen  2899 - Val sans Retour - -  2905 - Dancing in the sky - Himmelstanz  2912 - Phare de l’île Vierge - -  2919 - Sand Trees - Sandbäume  2938 - Burning Rocks - -  2942 - Phare du Pontusval - -  2943 - Coypu - Biberratte  2944 - Dolphin pod - Delphinschule  2974 - Unicolour - Einfarbig  2979 - Robin - -  2996 - Hydrangea and stone - Hortensien und Stein  3011 - After all - Geht doch !  3017 - Off target - Daneben  3019 - Tidal remains - Gezeitenreste  3022 - Saint-Mathieu - -  3036 - Time travel - Zeitreise  3045 - Wall Lizard - Mauereidechse  3054 - Sea salad - Meeressalat  3055 - Peeking - -  3058 - Petit Minou - -  3061 - Cidre cellar - -  3063 - Cork retainer - Korkenhalter  3079 - Mis-aligned - Verschoben  3080 - Yin and Yang - -  3084 - Plage du Guerzit - -  3087 - Smeared - Verwischt  3089 - Onion Johnny - -  3090 - Art-ichoke III - -  3095 - Art-ichoke II - -  3098 - Art-ichoke I - -  3306 - Rising up to the sky - -  3310 - Upwardly - Aufwärts  3317 - Seine river bank - -  3324 - Bird's Eye View - Vogelperspektive  3335 - Paris from above - -  3393 - Frame Stacking - -  3448 - Paris Metro - Métro de Paris  4140 - La Ciotat on fire - -  4143 - La Ciotat Vista - -  4147 - La Vanade Garden - -  4155 - Twisted Colors - -  4156 - Provencale estate - -  4165 - Gordiens Tower - -  4201 - Lavender Icecream - -  4213 - Bright Ave - -  4219 - Dedeuche - -  4244 - Lola Gentle Beast - -  4260 - Les Baux View - -  4263 - Castle Sky Fire - -  4303 - Gorges du Verdon - -  4314 - Grashopper Portrait - -  4322 - Camargue horse soft - -  4358 - Glasswort Surviving - -  4375 - Camargue Flamingo - -  4399 - Pumpkin Time - -  4527 - Tilt Rocks - -  4556 - Extra Vergine - -  4593 - Village Provencal - -  4600 - Blue Yellow Entrance - -  4608 - La Cadière-d Azur - -  4623 - Blue frontier - -  4627 - Lavender window shutter - -  4648 - La Castellet Uphill - -  4702 - Route des Crêtes Outlook - -  9585 - Recycled Flowerpots - -  9592 - The red umbrella - -  9594 - Deux Chateau - -  9600 - Numero 7 - -  9604 - Redon-Espic church - -  9611 - Canoe river - -  9733 - Rocamadour tree glance - -  9738 - French Archetype - -  9839 - Vigilant view - -  9848 - Sunflower Sky - -  9850 - Forgotten stairways - -
 22 - Eiffeltower @ night - Eiffelturm bei Nacht  55 - Stairways to heaven - -  180 - Roussilon - -  181 - Green shutters - Grüne Fensterläden  193 - Cat's Life - Ein Katzenleben  1447 - Reading - Lesen  1453 - Illuminated Cathedral - La Cathédrale Illuminée  1455 - Enlightened II - Erleuchtet II  1457 - Enlightened III - Erleuchtet III  1460 - Ecluse - -  1467 - Strasbourg Cathedral Details - -  1469 - Strasbourg Cathedral clock - -  2828 - Barnacles - Seepocken  3363 - Grand Arche - -  4183 - Red-Green - -  4234 - Peugeot Plant - -  9810 - Bladder cherry bubbles - -  9853 - Felibrajada alley - -