Läns - Swedens Regions |
Current and official läns |
Check out for links to regions below or click on the picture on the left Lappland: www.lappland.se Norrbotten/Lappland: www.norrbottenlappland.se Västerbotten: www.vasterbotten.net Jämtland: www.jamtland.info Härjedalen: www.harjedalen.info Hälsingland: www.halsingland.com Dalarna: www.dalarna.se Västmanland: www.vastmanland.se Värmland: www.varmland.org Uppland: www.res.till.Uppland.nu Sörmland(Södermanland): www.sormland.se Östergötland: www.ostgotaporten.com Västergötland/ Bohuslän/Dalsland: www.vastsverige.com Western Sweden: www.west-schweden.com Gotland: www.gotland.se Gotland: www.gotlandinfo.com Halland: www.hallandsturist.se Småland: www.visit-smaland.com Småland/ Öland: www.kalmar.regionforbundet.se/turism Öland : www.olandsturist.se Blekinge: www.blekingeturism.com Skåne: www.skaneturist.nu |
Sweden is today split into 24 regions, which not fully match the former split into 25 läner.The southern regions are combined to Götaland, the middle-Swedish ones to Svealand (named after the tribe of Svear who lived here), the Northern parts are combined to Norrland.