It tends to be fanaticism with my passion for moose. And it's definitely frenetic carrying the whole camera equipment over and over again to the close-by Wildpark Hundshaupten to repeatedly take pictures of the resident moose, expecting new views and unseen photographic opportunities.
A certain level of stubbornness helps in many circumstances - so it does in photography. But it was a vast amount of luck, too:
A just two days old moose calf, situated just behind the mother cow, not too far the enclosure's fence (170mm focal length sufficed)
Reasonable light conditions (ISO 500 required though to get 1/100 exposure time)
A not too shaky hand (despite the fever in such a situation where you know that you will like the results, if you just don't fail now)
The possibility to choose the right angle, as cow and calf obviously do not have too much hurry
I liked the result, although I did even more after quadratic cropping. It's just a harmonic and peaceful moment of the newborn life with her living donor, which I feel being reflected in the arrangement of the calf under the mothers head.
In the beginning I wondered on possible dirt on the sensor, but then I realized (and accepted) the single weird hair on Lotta's head. Lotta is the moose cow, who founded the moose era in Wildpark Hundshaupten 2003 together with the bull moose Lars. She gave opportunities for newborn calf photography every year. This year's offspring is not named yet - but it's a moose girl ...
Stubbornness is not necessarily bad at all, |