The moose in a nutshell

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  Main figures  

  • General facts
    • Largest member of the deer family
    • Bulls can reach a weight of up to 825kg (500-825kg)
    • Shoulder height up to 250 cm (160-250 cm)
    • Body length up to 350 cm (250-350 cm)
    • Cows are in average 20% smaller and lighter than bulls
  • Some details
    • Very short tail (7-12 cm)
    • Long-legded to step over obstacles - important to escape predators
    • Hump at the shoulders - mainly muscles to hold the head
    • Overhanging muzzle - the moose's trademark - perfect for feeding foliage - also called "muffle" - maybe originating from the German "Muffel"
    • Hair and skin hanging from the throat - called bell - serves mating season purposes
    • Usually brownish-black, differences between species and season, European moose with white legs
    • Long, air-filled coat hair - 10-25 cm long, changed April-June
    • Life span of 27 years in captivity, 5-16 years in nature
    • Spends time with 40% chewing cud, 40% eating and 20% sleep
  • Senses
    • 25 cm long, rotatable ears give excellent hearing sense
    • Important nosing sense with special area for analyzing the cows readiness for mating
    • Not so developped eyes, no red-green differentiation, but fairly good in darkness


  • General facts
    • Herbivore, i.e. plant eater
    • Ruminant
    • Can eat 15-50kg per day
    • Feeding up to 10-12 hours a day
    • "Browser", as they browse on twigs
  • Food range
    • Twig ends, leaf, roots, bark
    • Preferably willows, but also white birch, balsam fir, trembling aspen, black poplar, hazle, dogwood, maple
    • Berries, apples, wildflowers, lichens, bushes, seeds, ferns, mushrooms, tubers, sedges and grass
    • Aquatic vegetation: Water lily, water shield, pondweed
  • Some more details
    • Can eat under-water due to their specialized muzzle, dive up to 6 m deep
    • Needs minerals- salt licks, aquatic vegetation ...
    • Have big liver to cope with toxic secondary plant compounds
    • Bulls don't feed during mating time


  • Main Facts
    • The antlers - reserved to bulls - are up to 2,1m wide
    • Up to 36kg heavy
    • Up to 15 ends
    • Size varies depending on habitat: European smaller and Northern larger than Southern
  • Growth
    • During growth covered with a soft skin called velvet
    • Shed every year in mid December
    • New antlers start growing in April, maximum size August/September
  • Fight, Sparring and mating
    • Symbol off power - important for mating- the biggest antlers win by visual show
    • Seldomly in real fight, but if it occurs mostly uncritical wounds occur
    • Sparring is common between bulls before the real "show-down"

  Mating and offspring  

  • Breeding season September/October, about 3-5 weeks
  • Oligatory signals (e.g. urine on bell) and calls are used for finding each other
  • Mating "event" takes just 2-5 seconds
  • Gestation period ~231 days, Birth in May/June
  • 1-2 offspring, depending on the mother's age and food supply
  • Calves eat huge amounts of rich mother milk, and very fast also normal food
  • Fully protected by very defensive mother
  • Calves can run and swim within just a few days
  • Calves weigh 120-200 kg already in autumn
  • Time to offspring independance ~12 months
  • Sexual maturity of male and femals ~ 2 years


  • Excellent swimmers
  • Swims even out on oceans for kilometers and can be attacked by killer whales
  • Can swim 10-20 km non-stop with up to 8 km/h
  • Fast sprinters - up to 60 km/h
  • No problems with rough surface with obstacles due to their long legs
  • Mastering obstacles heights of 60-90cm and snow up to 50 cm -> Escape from predators !
  • Usually walk slowly and calmy with 10 km/h
  • Deep snow causes a real problem for them, as they cannot escape any more


  • "Moose" comes from Algonquin Indians, "mos" meaning twig-eaters
  • Scientific name "Alces Alces"




  • Forested areas with lakes or ponds
  • Taiga, forest tundra, temperate forest and rainforest, boreal and subarctic zones
  • Zones with summer temperatures averaging 15 °C, not exceeding 27°C for long
  • Approximate limits : 50th parallel to 67th parallel
  • Home range of 10-250 km², depending on food supply
  • Sub-species - classic science
    • 9 different sub-species, from which one is extinct
    • 4 sub-species in Eurasia, 4 in North-America
    • Differentiation by discoverer and area
  • New viewpoint today: Only two real sub-species:
    • European/ West Siberian Moose (Alces Alces Alces)
    • East Siberian / North American Moose (Alces Alces Americanus)
    • Differentiation determined by environment

  Enemies and Defense   

  • Enemies
    • Prey to bears and wolves, seldomly lynx and wolverine
    • Most threatened: Calves, only 2/3 survive their first year (prey/environment)
    • Wolve packs have good chance to win in deep snow and with old/ill moose
  • Defense
    • Moose kick with front- and back-legs - leathal weapons
    • Mainly try to escape- good chance due to long legs (predators muts walk around obstacles)
    • Moose can surround enemies, hide, and perfectly detect them early enough
    • Seek roads and rails during snow-time: Faster escape in low snow
  • Environmental and parasite related threats
    • Quite well suited for winter time, nevertheless hard time
    • Winter ticks, meningeal worm and giant liver fluke often cause death

  Human Interaction  

  • Hunting was and is common: Moose was nearly extinct in many areas
  • Today moose population seems stabilized by nature preserve
  • Road and rail traffic causes many moose deaths, as animals seek trails in winter
  • Domestication has been tried and works hardly well (diseases, food requirements)
  • Tries have been performed to use moose as mounts for riding in armies
  • Moose can get tame just as overdimensioned dogs