5487 - Beneath the clouds - -  5489 - Monte Amiata Cross - -  5508 - Montegiovi view - -  5534 - Roccatederighi Tree View - -  5599 - Crete Senesi outlook - -  5608 - Senesi Treeline Scape - -  5632 - Enough Space - -  5634 - Tuscany sheepworld - -  5662 - Tuscany Villa - -  5698 - San Martino Vescovo - -  5704 - Tuscany Trike - -  5722 - Porto Ercole - -  5731 - Between the Horns - -  5741 - Rose Chafer - -  5798 - Boulevard bending - -  5945 - Light spreader clouds - -  5962 - Cloud Invasion - -  6034 - Deadly Glance - -  6045 - Moon over Elba - -  6088 - Roccatederighi valley - -  6200 - Cork Oak Forest - Korkeichenwald  6210 - Seasons End - -  6236 - Montemassi Sundown - -
 5466 - Romulus, Remus e Torre - -  5468 - Icarus helps - -  5902 - Pienza arch - -  5959 - Vigorous Tuscany - -  6040 - Outstanding Agave - -  6043 - Moletta della Sanita - -  6050 - Blue Car Charm - -  6163 - Forgotten Avenue - -  6205 - Sunflowers sunset - -